+91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.

 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.



ASTROMATICA: The   term “ASTROMATICA” is   coined by us    and   is basically a  Protologism.


The activity   was introduced for the lower school students with a focus   on understanding Astronomy, Cosmology and creation’s mysteries and   the Mathematical calculations   involved.

The activity is conducted with following aims and   objectives: –

  • To promote awareness and  interest in Astronomy among the students.
  • To arouse the interest in observing and understanding Astronomical events and phenomenon like eclipses and other celestial movements.
  • To develop the skill to use telescope and   identify various celestial bodies like Stars, Constellations, Galaxies and Planets in a clear night sky.
  • To help students to know and understand simple Mathematical applications to find  and  name shapes and size of celestial objects.


Students are provided with internal workshops on Astronomy on each Tuesday with a focus on   topics mentioned below: –

  1. “Solar system” its formation and   components.
  2. Shape, size, atmosphere, duration of spinning  and revolutions etc.  of each planet.
  3. Birth and death of stars and all its stages.
  4. Formation of “Black holes” and their behaviors.
  5. How to observe and identify heavenly objects with naked eye in a clear night sky.
  6. Human endeavors to reach space and other planets like Apollo, Mars Surveyor and many more.


In each of these workshops cum activities, the students, are encouraged to do   their research and share the information.