+91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.

 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.


Physics Department

Eureka & Interactive Physics

EUREKA (Upper School Physics Activity)

Generally, we think physics is only hardcore formula and numerical given in a textbook.

In Eureka we make you see physics in day today life. Our general aim is to make working models using STEM and robotics. We think that imagination and good research will create the best ideas and we try to convert these ideas into reality. The students are given an idea or they themselves research and select an idea and as a team we work together to complete the task. We generally try to make models from the waste/discarded/ unused material available in our surrounding along with some electrical components like motors or electronics component like Arduino board. In Eureka, we welcome student from all disciplines. Our models have always been a part of our Founders’ Day exhibitions and competitions organized in Institutions like Tezpur university, Defense research laboratory, IPSC IT fest, etc.

INTERACTIVE PHYSICS (Lower School Activity)

How things work? We try to address this significant question in our activity named Interactive Physics. In this activity, students are encouraged and guided for making simple working models based on their theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom. The working models are made by using locally available materials and components. Most of the time the required materials are collected from junkyards.  Students who are interested in breaking and making the things at home have a good platform to develop their skill to design low-cost useful working models. This activity helps the students to be creative and to find out solutions of a problem faced in everyday life. Students are given the opportunity to exhibit their models during Founders’ Day Celebrations of the school and to participate in Science exhibitions. To inculcate the fundamentals of STEM education we also conduct a workshop on Robotics.