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 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.


AVS Podcast

top ten schools

AVS Podcast

Keeping up with our usual tendency, we are happy to inform you that we have again come up with a new initiative. It was a hypothetical plan some months ago and even in the midst of a tight anxiety schedule due to boards, finally the product is ready. We began with our mission from the first day of Founders’ Day Celebrations. And now, we proudly present the first ever episode of the first season of ‘AVS Podcast’. Like every other idea, it was first a brainchild with an abstract ambition. It grew and the format came at last. And we couldn’t help but execute it to our very best despite technical limitations. Whatever we could do within our limited time frame, we pulled it off with sheer enthusiasm.
The AVS Podcast is the beginning of a new opportunity, a new platform; a new mode of engagement for all the Aviators as well as the teachers and other staff members. The main objective was to create something for those who are not comfortable speaking in front of an audience but prolific speakers behind the scenes. We often look down upon those behind the scene ones and create a stereotypical scenario. But the evolution of platforms have given them the chance to showcase what they got. Nurturing skills cannot be done with a single mode of presentation like stage performances if we also have other forms to cultivate those. This was the primary objective behind the idea. We are very excited to see this concept grow in this school in the coming years and we hope that the podcast will eventually become an integral part of the AVS Spirit. Since it’s our first attempt, it’s bound to have flaws. We hope that you’ll be kind enough to encourage us and point out the errors.
The first episode features
1. Shubhajeet Dasgupta
2. Kaustav Garg
3. Anushcka Joshi
4. Anushka Barua
5. Kaustav B. Arya
6. Kuhu Bakliwal
7. Tanisha Bhadra
8. Bornam Bora and
9. Jyotishmoyee Charingia
The speakers talk primarily about Founders’ and their memories in a casual mood similar to a typical podcast. This wouldn’t have been possible without our editors Arjyadeep Mridha and Bornam Bora.
We express our gratitude to Mr. Arvind Benjamin who spent his valuable time providing us with every help we needed during the recording.
The first episode is on air. We are thrilled. Please enjoy the episode.
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