+91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.

 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.


Activity Options

Schools, by default are the storehouse of rich historical records.

The Assam Valley Express, better known by its acronym, AVE…

Chess is one of the oldest and most popular among board games….

ChemApp is a Chemistry-based activity that is one of the most popular academic activities…

The objective of this activity is to teach the basic skills ….

To dance is a worthwhile skill to possess as it not only enhances


Debating is a skill many of us will need at some point in our life…

Theatre is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers….

We believe that every exchange experience will certainly open avenues for intercultural learning..

The Hindi Department provides ample opportunities to …..

IAYP, formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award….

ASTROMATICA: The   term “ASTROMATICA” is   coined by us    and   is basically a  Protologism….

The Model United Nations of The Assam Valley School, though started just a few years back….

Music at The Assam Valley School is a year round growing experience. We believe that every child should grow in..

Handmade Card Activity is a fun-filled activity for the young ones. In this activity, they learn how to make various products like handmade cards, paper flowers, pen stand and many more…….

If you are a beginner, you may wonder why photography is so important. The answer is, time changes things and our fickle minds forget how things were yesterday…..

In Eureka we make you see physics in day today life. Our general aim is to make working models using STEM and robotics. We think that imagination…….

Quizzing has had a long and honourable history at Assam Valley School. Today quizzing is often taken as a superficial activity largely due to the proliferation….

Round Square is an internationally diverse network of 200 like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents that connect and collaborate to offer….

The Social Service League has always ridden high and considered it a privilege to serve humankind. The Aviators have endorsed social service…..

The Art School and the Craft Design & Technology Centre (CDT) are under the umbrella of Visual Arts at AVS where the students undergo rigorous training and….