+91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.

 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.


Prefect Council

Prefect Council:

The Prefect Council of The Assam Valley School is a body of 43 prefects hailing from grade 12. The council includes the School Captain, Head boy, Head Girl, 8 House captains, 16 House Prefects, 2 Academic Captains. 2 Cultural Captains, 2 Sports Captains and 10 EM Prefects. The School Captain, Head boy and Head Girl are elected members of the School Prefectorial Council and the rest are chosen by the Senior Management Team along with the House Masters. The Prefect Council advocates the cause of the student body and helps the school in functioning efficiently in every sphere- Academic, Pastoral, Cultural and Sports.