+91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.

 +91 9678074320, 9678074320       P.O. Balipara - 784101, Dist. Sonitpur, Assam , India.


Students Rules & Regulations


All staff are advised to note and implement the following without exception:

  • Tutors are to make cell phones available to their tutees for 30 minutes only (on either Saturday or Sunday) and calls are to be placed / received only from parents.
  • Tutors are to supervise cell calls home to parents without invading the privacy of the pupil. The call may only be initiated in the presence of the Tutor.
  • Pupils are not allowed to keep laptops in their possession beyond 8:30pm. (HSMs to ensure that this is complied with all days of the week).
  • Internet cover to Boarding-Houses is withdrawn at 8:00 pm daily, including Saturdays.
  • Parents are only permitted to make EMERGENCY CALLS to HSMs on their official cell phones for 30 minutes after lunch.
  • Official laptops in the Boarding-Houses are for the use of the HSMs and Dames. Please check your account daily for attendance reports, internal memos and correspondence from parents.
  • Staff Quarters are ‘Out of Bounds’ for pupils (except during calendared Tutorials)
  • Pupils are no longer allowed to travel in cars owned by staff (on & off campus).
  • Pupils are not allowed to consult each other during Post-Dinner Prep which is to be conducted in complete silence.
  • Post-Dinner Prep commences at 8:40 pm and pupils are not allowed to leave their Boarding-Houses after Dinner.
  • Pre-Dinner Prep: GD vacates the MSB at 7:50 pm, BD at 8:00 pm. Lady on Duty at MSB Prep to escort the girls back to the GD.
  • Prefects (and pupils of Class 12) are permitted a maximum of 30 minutes of extra study after ‘Lights Out’ at the discretion of the HSM.
  • Hospital OPD Timings for BD and GD are to be strictly implemented and pupils without the signed ‘Hospital Register’ are not to be entertained by the Hospital.
  • Dames may only administer medicines prescribed by the School’s RMO. All other medicines are to be confiscated and sent to the RMO.
  • The School Ambulance will only be commissioned for medical emergencies on campus. Ordinarily, pupils are expected to walk to the Hospital.
  • ‘Chotta Hazari’ and ‘Morning Exercise’ are compulsory for all pupils (3 to 12).
  • Personal electronic products (MP3 / ipods etc) are not permitted in the MSB. Confiscate and forward to DOS. DOS to issue written complaint to parent to collect the item from the AO at the end of term and DHM to put up pupil for YC.
  • All pupils are obliged to use the new customized colour-coded AVS bags & water-bottles. No negotiations, please.
  • Rehearsals in the WMH are to be supervised by staff (conducting the event) and the hall is to be locked by School personnel after practice concludes.
  • After events / functions in the MSB, lady staff will ensure that the girls leave via the Swimming-Pool (side) entrances and the Masters will ensure that the BD exits via the Library (side). PUPILS ARE NOT TO BE LEFT UNATTENDED AFTER FUNCTIONS IN THE WMH.
  • Rest Hour is be strictly implemented on all days of the week, including Sunday.
  • HSMs will be available to mentor pupils in their care for 30 minutes after lunch on all working days of the week.
  • Turn-out and punctuality of pupils is primarily the responsibility of the Dames and HSMs.
  • Games-Kit, including School issue shoes, is to be strictly implemented (except for ‘Specialists’ in Squash and Tennis).
  • AVS does not accept ‘couples’ in the pupil community wandering around the campus together, especially on the Central Avenue.
  • Decorum is to be maintained in the Dining-Halls and during the line-up for Assembly.
  • Pupils are not allowed to hold the keys to any School property (eg. Music School)
  • Pupils found sleeping in class are to be reported to the DOS immediately and executive action will ensue after a report is filed by the RMO with the HM.
  • The School Counsellor will advertise the time when she is available to pupils in her office. Meetings with the Counsellor are confidential.
  • Pupils visiting the Café on non-designated days are to be removed immediately and their names are to be reported to the DHM for written dialogue with the HSMs.
  • An unsigned Bad Chit automatically results in the issuance of a Second Bad Chit for concealment. It is incumbent on the defaulting pupil to ensure that the Bad Chit is signed by the HSM immediately and the HSM should record this in a register.
  • Red Card Holders may not represent the School in any activity or their House in any event until they are cleared of underperformance in the next testing cycle. They are also debarred from Outings during that period.
  • Any member of staff may recommend the issuance of a Yellow Card (for misconduct) to the HM. Receipt of 2 YCs in any term automatically results in withdrawal / expulsion from the School.
  • HSMs may recommend a YC, suspension or expulsion of a pupil to the HM through the DHM. In addition, HSMs may curtail Common Room Rights, Café visits and Outings.
  • Receipt of a YC / RC results in a formal written complaint to the parent(s) by the DHM / DOS respectively.
  • SOP for Day of Return from Vacations / Exeats: checking for contraband on pupils suspected of abuse in the past.
  • All items of School food on offer are to be consumed by pupils in appropriate quantities. Cereals and vegetables are not optional.
  • ‘NO TOLERANCE POLICY’ implies: (a) immediate expulsion for the possession of contraband (including cigarettes), alcohol and drugs. (b) Bullying, including physical / verbal abuse and running ‘favours’. (c) Sexual contact with another pupil.
  • Pupils found in a compromising position are to be referred to the DHM immediately and the RMO is empowered to conduct a physical examination, if necessary. If the RMO’s opinion is that sexual contact has occurred, the pupils will be expelled from the School within 24 hours.

It is to be understood by all that School Rules and Regulations exist within the purview of School Law in India to provide for the well-being of the pupil community. As the School oriented itself with these policies and practices over the last few years, the School’s Administration had taken a compassionate stance in not clinically punishing recalcitrant pupils “with the law”.

In future, however, on the clear understanding that the more significant aspects of the ‘Code of Conduct’ above is clear to all stakeholders, the ‘rule of law’ will prevail without exception.

All staff are expected to collectively reinforce these provisions for the care of children in our charge.